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Reports, special reports and government responses

European Scrutiny Committee

Committee documents that were published online before May 2010 are available by session on the Pre-2010 Publications page.

Total results 464 (page 22 of 24)
41st Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 14 September 2011 (Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy Financial management: prevention of fraud)
HC 428-xxxvi
40th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 7 September 2011, including the following recommendation for debate: EU Budgets 2014–2020 (Report, together with formal minutes)
HC 428-xxxv
38th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 19 July 2011 (EU enlargement: Croatia)
HC 428-xxxiv
37th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 13 July 2011 (Report, together with formal minutes)
HC 428-xxxiii
36th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 6 July 2011 (Preparation of the 2012 EU Budget; Financial assistance to Member States: Ireland; Economic governance: the European Semester; Preparation of the 2012 EU Budget; Right of access to a lawyer and right to communicate on arrest)
HC 428-xxxii
35th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 29 June 2011 (Financial management)
HC 428-xxxi
34th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 22 June 2011 (Financial assistance to Member States: Portugal; Preparation of the 2012 EU Budget; Economic Governance: the European Semester; Migration from the Southern Mediterranean; Victims' rights)
HC 428-xxx
33rd Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 8 June 2011, including the following recommendations for debate (Generalised scheme of tariff preferences Partnership with the EU’s Neighbourhood Mutual recognition of civil protection orders Minimum standards for the protection of victims of crime)
HC 428-xxix
30th Report - Opting into international agreements and enhanced Parliamentary scrutiny of opt-in decisions - Volume II (Oral and Written Evidence given on Wednesday 27 April 2011 by Rt Hon. David Lidington MP, Minister for Europe, Simon Manley, Europe Director and Gerry Regan, Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office)
HC 955-II
32nd Report - Enhanced cooperation for the EU Patent: the Committee's evidence session with Baroness Wilcox
HC 942
31st Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 24 May 2011
HC 428-xxviii
29th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 18 May 2011 (Roadmap on victims' rights in the EU)
HC 428-xxvii
30th Report - Opting into international agreements and enhanced Parliamentary scrutiny of opt-in decisions
HC 955-i
28th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 11 May 2011 (Space policy; Cultivation of genetically modified crops; Transport policy)
HC 428-xxvi
26th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 27 April 2011 (An EU Agenda for the Rights of the Child)
HC 428-xxiv
27th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 4 May 2011 (Diplomatic and consular protection of Union citizens in third countries; Taxation)
HC 428-xxv
25th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 5 April 2011
HC 428-xxiii
24th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 30 March 2011 (The CAP towards 2020; Financial services; Trafficking in human beings; European contract law)
HC 428-xxii
23rd Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 23 March 2011
HC 428-xxi
22nd Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 16 March 2011
HC 428-xx
Total results 464 (page 22 of 24)