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Reports, special reports and government responses

European Scrutiny Committee

Committee documents that were published online before May 2010 are available by session on the Pre-2010 Publications page.

Total results 464 (page 20 of 24)
2nd Special Report - The Unified Patent Court: help or hindrance?: Government Response to the Committee’s Sixty-fifth Report of 2010–12
HC 541
8th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 11th July 2012 (Renewable energy; EU Readmission Agreement with Turkey; Financial services: residential mortgages; Financial management)
HC 86-viii
9th Report - Court of Justice of the European Union: amendments to the Statute and rules of Procedure
HC 86-ix
7th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 4 July 2012 (Global satellite navigation systems; Establishing a new Schengen evaluation mechanism; EURODAC)
HC 86-vii
6th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 27 June 2012
HC 86-vi
5th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 20 June 2012 (Including the following recommendations for debate: Promoting human rights and democarcy in external action; The EU Special Representative for Human Rights; and The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights)
HC 86-V
4th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 14 June 2012 (Documents considered by the Committee on 14 June 2012, including the following recommendations for debate: EU Home Affairs Funds for 2014-20 Minimum standards for the protection of victims of crime European Semester and the UK Preparation of the 2013 EU Budget HC)
HC 86-iv
1st special Report (Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance: impact on the eurozone and the rule of law: Government Response to the Committee's Sixty-second Report of 2010-12)
HC 393
3rd Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 23 May 2012 (Energy agreements between EU Member States and third countries; Cooperation with Southeast Asia; Financial services: market abuse)
HC 86-iii
2nd Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 16 May 2012 (Including the following recommendations for debate: Global satellite navigation system; EU Home Affairs Funds for 2014-20; The external dimension of EU social security coordniation; Major accident hazards from dangerous substances)
HC 86-ii
1st Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 9 May 2012 (Including the following recommendations for debate: The posting of workers and the right to take collective action (draft reasoned opinion); Financial services: residential mortgages; and Financial services: market abuse)
HC 86-i
64th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 25 April 2012
HC 428-lviii
65th Report The Unified Patent Court: Help Or Hindrance? Volume I (Report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence)
HC 1799-I
65th Report The Unified Patent Court: Help Or Hindrance? Volume II (Additional written evidence)
HC 1799-II
63rd Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 18 April 2012 (including the following recommendation for debate: Freezing and confiscation of assets)
HC 428-lvii
62nd Report of Session 2010-12 - Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance: impact on the eurozone and the rule of law - virtual evidence
HC 1817
62nd Report of Session 2010-12 - Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance: impact on the eurozone and the rule of law
HC 1817
61st Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 27 March 2012
HC 428-lvi
60th Report of Session 2010-12 - Documents considered by the Committee on 21 March 2012 (including the following recommendation for debate: EU Budgets: Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020)
HC 428-lv
59th Report of Session 2010-12 - Documents considered by the Committee on 14 March 2012 (White Paper on Pensions; EU criminal justice legislation and detention)
HC 428-liv
Total results 464 (page 20 of 24)