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Reports, special reports and government responses

European Scrutiny Committee

Committee documents that were published online before May 2010 are available by session on the Pre-2010 Publications page.

Total results 464 (page 21 of 24)
58th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 7 March 2012 (Including the following recommendation for debate: Recognition of professional qualifications)
HC 428-liii
57th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 29th February 2012 (Financial services: market abuse; Procurement by public entitiesl; Public procurement)
HC 428-lii
56th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 22 February 2012 (Financial services: prudential requirements Report, together with formal minutes)
HC 428-li
55th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 8 February 2012 (Report, together with formal minutes)
HC 428-l
4th Special Report - Withdrawal from enhanced cooperation: Government Response to the Committee's Thirty-ninth Report of Session 2010–12
HC 1822
54th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 1 February 2012 (The European External Action Service)
HC 428-xlix
53rd Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 25 January 2012 (Civil aviation: airports Value added taxation)
HC 428-xlviii
52nd Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 18 January 2012 (Including the following recommendations for debate: Implementation of the common commercial policy European Development Fund (EDF) expenditure in 2010 Commission Work Programme 2012 Financial management: annual audit)
HC 428-xlvii
51st Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 11 January 2012 (Trans-European Networks: integrated EU infrastructure Safety of offshore oil and gas activities Financial services: credit rating agencies Economic governance)
HC 428-xlvi
50th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 20 December 2011 (EU accounting requirements)
HC 428-xlv
49th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 14 December 2011, including the following recommendation for debate (Safety of offshore oil and gas activities Draft Protocols to the EU Treaties concerning Ireland and the Czech Republic Annual adjustment of the remuneration of EU staff)
HC 428-xliv
48th Report - Documents considered on 7 December 2011 (Energy efficiency; Trans-European Networks: integrated EU infrastructures; EU financial instruments for the period 2014-2020; EU PNR Agreement with the United States of America (and Australia))
HC 428-xliii
47th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 23 November 2011 (including the following recommendations for debate: Reform of the CAP. Reform of the CAP: Direct payments to farmers. Reform of the CAP: support for rural development. EU criminal policy. Reasoned Opinion concerning a draft Regulation on a Common E)
HC 428-xlii
3rd Special Report - Opting into international agreements and enhanced Parliamentary scrutiny of opt–in decisions: Government Response to the Committee's Thirtieth Report of Session 2010–12
HC 1670
46th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 9 November 2011 (Including the following recommendation for debate: EU Structural and Cohesion Funds)
HC 428-xli
45th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 2 November 2011 (Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy Financial management)
HC 428-xl
44th Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 26 October 2011
HC 428-xxxix
43rd Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 19 October 2011 (Protecting the financial interests of the EU; Establishing a new Schengen evaluation mechanism; Schengen governance)
HC 428-xxxviii
42nd Report - Documents considered by the Committee on 12 October 2011, including the following recommendations for debate: Financial services: prudential requirements Application of the Schengen acquis in Bulgaria and Romania (Report, together with formal minutes)
HC 428-xxxvii
39th Report - Withdrawal from enhanced cooperation: the Committee's evidence session with Baroness Wilcox
HC 1341
Total results 464 (page 21 of 24)