Business Committee holds evidence session on Post Office & Horizon and compensation for sub-postmasters
On Tuesday 11 January, the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Committee holds an evidence session looking into compensation for sub-postmasters who were prosecuted or otherwise affected by problems with the Post Office’s Horizon IT system with current Post Office CEO Nick Read and Paul Scully, Minister for Small Business, Consumers and Labour Markets, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.
This is the second of the BEIS Committee’s two planned evidence sessions focussing on issues relating to compensation for sub-postmasters and follows the earlier evidence session which took place on Tuesday 14 December.
Meeting details
Likely areas of questioning
This session is likely to cover issues including the obstacles facing former sub-postmasters seeking financial compensation and how these might be addressed. MPs are also likely to ask questions around how effective the Post Office and the Government have been in attempting to address the financial loss suffered by sub-postmasters affected by the Horizon IT scandal.