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Post Office and Horizon


This inquiry explores issues emerging from the Horizon IT Court cases, looking at the impact on sub-postmasters and its effect on the future viability of the Post Office, and examining the lessons the Government and Post Office Ltd have learned from a scandal which saw hundreds of sub-postmasters accused of fraud.

In the 2017-19 Parliament, the Committee undertook an inquiry on the Future of the Post Office network (the Horizon case was live at that time and sub-judice so the Committee were unable to take specific evidence on that aspect) which made recommendations to the Government and the Post Office Limited.

In the current Parliament, the BEIS Committee has taken evidence on Post Office & Horizon but later planned sessions were cancelled due to the impact of Covid-19. The BEIS Committee followed up on the issues raised through correspondence from Darren Jones, BEIS Committee Chair, to a number of relevant parties.

The Committee is likely to return to the issues raised once the Independent Review into the Post Office Ltd has been completed.  

Read the call for evidence for further information.

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