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9 November 2020 - Post-Transition customs IT systems and sector preparedness - Oral evidence

Committee EU Goods Sub-Committee
Inquiry Post-Transition customs IT systems and sector preparedness

Monday 9 November 2020

Start times: 10:30am (private) 10:30am (public)

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HMRC, business representatives, hauliers and customs specialists questioned on the roll-out of new customs IT systems for the end of the Brexit transition period, as well as the capacity of the customs intermediary sector (Top line)

Meeting details

At 10:30am: Oral evidence
Work Post-Transition customs IT systems and sector preparedness (Non-inquiry session)
At 11:30am: Oral evidence
Work Post-Transition customs IT systems and sector preparedness (Non-inquiry session)

Areas of interest 

Possible questions that may be asked by the Committee include:

  • Is HMRC on track to deliver the required IT infrastructure in time for the end of the transition (and 1 July for the full implementation of import procedures)?
  • What testing and roll-out schedule is HMRC working to? What fallback options are available in case of delays or roll-out failure?
  • Will software suppliers have sufficient time to update their systems to link into the new IT infrastructure?
  • Are traders, hauliers and customs agents trained and ready to operate the new systems?
  • How successful has the Customs Grant Scheme been at increasing the capacity of the customs intermediary sector to meet the projected higher demand for its services?

Further information 


Virtual meeting (webcast)