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18 March 2024 - The UK and the Antarctic Environment - Oral evidence

Committee Environmental Audit Sub-Committee on Polar Research
Inquiry The UK and the Antarctic Environment

Monday 18 March 2024

Start times: 4:00pm (private) 4:15pm (public)

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Should the UK provide more support for Antarctic climate science? MPs continue Antarctic inquiry

On Monday 18 March, the Environmental Audit Sub-Committee will hear evidence on the UK’s scientific presence in Antarctica.

Meeting details

At 4:15pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry The UK and the Antarctic Environment
At 5:15pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry The UK and the Antarctic Environment

The two-panel session continues the Sub-Committee’s inquiry into the UK and the Antarctic environment, with experts from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), the Scott Polar Research Institute, the Centre for Polar Research Observation and Monitoring and Durham University.

MPs are likely to ask witnesses about the resilience of UK support for Antarctic research, how scientists can access funding, and whether more support is needed. They may also ask how UK investment in scientific infrastructure, including the research ship RRS Sir David Attenborough, has impacted polar research.

The second panel will focus on the role of BAS, the UK’s national polar research institute. MPs are likely to explore how BAS contributes to UK climate research, and how its scientific research aligns with the UK’s broader presence in Antarctica, including its geopolitical goals.


Room 16, Palace of Westminster

How to attend