How is Wales’s population changing? Welsh Affairs Committee holds its first evidence session of new inquiry
In a scene-setter evidence session, the Welsh Affairs Committee will be holding its first evidence session examining population change in Wales to better understand how the population of Wales has changed over time and what levers – if any – the UK Government has to respond to any challenges as a result of the changes.
Meeting details
The Committee launched its inquiry in July to look at the potential effects of Wales having an older population than elsewhere in the UK, and why it appears that younger people may be leaving Wales. It is also against a backdrop that population growth in Wales appears to be slowing: between 2001 and 2011 the population grew by 5.5%, but between 2011 and 2021, this reduced to 1.4%.
Among the issues likely to be discussed during the evidence session are: the overall trends of population change, the migration of young people, connectivity and access to transport in Wales, and the economy and employment opportunities.