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Impact of population change in Wales


The Committee invites written submissions addressing any or all of the following areas: 

  • What are the underlying drivers of changes in Wales’s population highlighted by the 2021 Census, in particular depopulation and ageing in some areas?  
  • Are young people leaving Wales? Why? 
  • What are the main impacts of the decreasing number of economically active people in Wales? 
  • What will the impact of population trends be on the demand for and delivery of public services, including housing, education and healthcare? 
  • What steps should the Government take to mitigate the challenges of population change in Wales? How can young people be incentivised to stay? 
  • How can educated and skilled migrants be encouraged to fill labour shortages? 
  • How important is migration, both from within the UK and outside the UK, to enable Wales to grow its population and minimise the reduction in the numbers of people of working age? 
  • Does the Shortage Occupation List and the Skilled Migrants list currently meet Wales’s needs ? 
  • How can the UK Government’s immigration targets better reflect Wales’s social and economic needs?