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European Scrutiny Committee

Committee documents that were published online before May 2010 are available by session on the Pre-2010 Publications page.

Total results 531 (page 25 of 27)
Letter from the Chair to the Rt Hon. Steve Barclay MP on Transparency of UK financial contribtions to the EU post-Brexit, dated 23 April 2020
Letter from the Chair to the Rt Hon. James Brokenshire MP regarding Passenger Name Record (PNR) data: updating international standards and negotiating an EU/Japan PNR Agreement, dated 23 April 2020
Letter from the Chair to the Rt Hon. Conor Burns MP regarding EU retaliatory duties on imports from the US (Byd amendment WTO dispute), dated 23 April 2020
Letter from the Chair to the Rt Hon. Conor Burns MP regarding Market Access for Goods from African, Caribbean and Pacific ("ACP") countries, dated 23 April 2020
Letter from the Chair to the Rt Hon. Conor Curns MP regarding Enhancing trade in the Euro-Mediterranean region: changes to preferential rules of origin, dated 23 April 2020
Letter from the Chair to George Freeman MP regarding Report on the framework for the deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems in the field of road transport and for interfaces with other modes of transport, dated 23 April 2020
Letter from the Chair to Lord Gardiner regarding Commission Delegated Regulation as regards animal health requirements for movements within the Union of terrestrial animals and hatching eggs, dated 23 April 2020
Letter from the Chair to Victoria Prentis MP regarding 2020 FIshing Opportunities, dated 23 April 2020
Letter from the Chair to the Rt Hon. Michael Gove on Subsidiary legislation applying under Annex 2 of the Northern Island Protocol, dated 15 April 2020
Letter from the Chair to Rt Hon. Conor Burns MP regarding Trade preferences for developing countries, dated 26 March 2020
Letter from the Chair to Amanda Solloway MP on Regulation establishing Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, dated 26 March 2020
Letter from the Chair to Rt Hon. Oliver Dowden MP regarding Proposed Regulation concerning the respect for private life and the protection of personal data in electronic communications and repealing Directive 2002/58/EC (ePrivacy Regulation), dated 26 March 2020
Letter from the Chair to Victoria Prentis MP regarding Future of the Common Agricultural Policy, dated 26 March 2020
Letter from the Chair to Victoria Prentis MP regarding Commission Delegated Regulation of 13 January 2020 amending Annex II to Regulation (EU) 2018/848 as regards certain detailed production rules for organic products, dated 26 March 2020
Letter from the Chair to Rt Hon. Connor Burns MP regarding Enforcement of international trade rules, dated 26 March 2020
Letter from the Chair to Jesse Norman MP regarding The EU VAT threshold for small businesses: potential application in Northern Ireland under the Irish Protocol, dated 26 March 2020
Letter from the Chair to Rt Hon. Steve Barclay MP regarding Possible UK participation in EU funding programmes from 2021, dated 26 March 2020
Letter from the Chair to John Glen MP regarding Trade in financial services under the future UK-EU economic partnership, dated 26 March 2020
Letter from the Chair to Victoria Atkins MP regarding UK withdrawal from the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived, dated 26 March 2020
Letter from the Chair to Rt Hon. Michael Gove MP regarding Scrutiny of EU documents: documents retained under scrutiny, dated 26 March 2020
Total results 531 (page 25 of 27)