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European Scrutiny Committee

Committee documents that were published online before May 2010 are available by session on the Pre-2010 Publications page.

Total results 531 (page 23 of 27)
Letter from the Chair to Victoria Prentis MP regarding Proposal for a Regulation as regards specific measures to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in the fishery and aquaculture sector, dated 18 June 2020
Letter from the Chair to Mr Alex Chalk MP regarding European Commission reports on the implementation of EU Directives on Victims' Rights and on the European Protection Order, dated 11 June 2020
Letter from the Chair to Rachel Maclean MP regarding Port Services Regulations EU Exit SI, dated 11 June 2020
Letter from the Chair to Victoria Prentis MP regarding Future of the Common Agriculture Policy, dated 11 June 2020
Letter from the Chair to Pail Scully MP regarding COVID-19: Impact of EU State aid rules on UK Government support for business, dated 11 June 2020
Letter from the Chair to Kelly Tolhurst MP regarding Commission Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on driving licenses, dated 11 June 2020
Letter from the Chair to Rt Hon. Michael Gove MP regarding Scrutiny during the transition, dated 10 June 2020
Letter from the Chair to Caroline Dinenage MP regarding Continuity of trade agreements: South Korea, dated 4 June 2020
Letter from the Chair to Rt Hon. Steve Barclay MP regarding Transparencey of the UK's post-Brexit contributions to the EU, dated 4 June 2020
Letter from the Chair to Rt Hon. Michael Gove MP regarding Supplementary legislation applying under Annex 2 of the Northern Irealnd Protocol, dated 4 June 2020
Letter from the Chair to Ramil Jayawardena MP regarding EU retaliatory duties on imports from the US (Byrd amendment WTO dispute), dated 4 June 2020
Letter from the Chair to Rachel Maclean MP regarding COVID-19: Legislative amendments (multiple modalities), dated 4 June 2020
Letter from the Chair to Victoria Prentis MP regarding Commission Delegated Regulation of 13 Janurary 2020 amending Annex II to Regulation (EU) 2018/848 as regards certain detailed production rules for organic products, dated 4 June 2020
Letter from the Chair to Victoria Prentis MP regarding Proposal for a Regulation amending Regulation (EU) 1305/2013 as regards specific measures to provide exceptional support under EAFRD in response to COVID-19 outbreak, dated 4 June 2020
Letter from the Chair to Kelly Tolhurst MP regarding Proposal for a Regulation on streamlining the trans-European transport network, dated 4 June 2020
Letter from the Chair to Rt Hon. Steve Barclay MP regarding UK participation in EU funding programmes from 2021, dated 21 May 2020
Letter from the Chair to Robert Buckland QC MP regarding Proposed Regulations on taking evidence and service documents in civil and commercial proceedings, dated 21 May 2020
Letter from the Chair to John Glen MP regarding Amendments to the EU's Capital Requirement Reulation, dated 21 May 2020
Letter from the Chair to Rt Hon. Greg Hands MP regarding Enhancing trade in the Euro-Mediterranean region: changes to preferential rules of origin, dated 21 May 2020
Letter from the Chair to Rt Hon. Greg Hands MP regarding Market Access for Goods from African, Caribbean and Pacific ("ACP") countries, dated 21 May 2020
Total results 531 (page 23 of 27)