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Skills for the future: apprenticeships and training


The Industry and Regulators Committee has launched an inquiry into skills policy, focusing in particular on apprenticeships and training, and in the context of the skills the UK workforce needs for the future. The inquiry will examine whether the UK’s current systems and policies for apprenticeships and in-work training are working and, if not, how they should be reformed. In doing so, the inquiry will consider the responsibilities of government, employers, training providers, and individuals, and the incentives facing these groups.

This inquiry is no longer accepting evidence

The deadline for submissions was Friday 27 September 2024.

Contact us

  • Email:
  • Phone: 020 7219 2785 (committee staff) | 020 7219 8659 (Press Officer)
  • Address: Industry and Regulators Committee, House of Lords, London SW1A 0PW