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The condition of school buildings


In March 2022 the Public Accounts Committee reported on the risks to schools’ financial sustainability, including wide variations in the condition of individual schools and their funding.

The school estate in England comprises some 22,000 schools, with the majority overseen by the responsible body in control of the school, usually the relevant local authority or academy trust. The Department for Education (DfE) provides capital funding of around £5 billion each year and works with responsible bodies to help maintain and improve the condition of school buildings.

Based on a National Audit Office investigation into the condition of school buildings in England the Committee will question senior officials at the Department for Education on whether:

- they have a good understanding of the condition of school buildings;

- they have appropriate arrangements in place to allocate funding for school buildings in line with need; and

- whether they can give assurance that funding for school buildings is being used efficiently and effectively.

If you have evidence on these issues please submit it here by 23:59 on Thursday 6 July.

Please look at the requirements for written evidence submissions and note that the Committee cannot accept material as evidence that is published elsewhere.