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Resetting government programmes


Both the National Audit Office and Public Accounts Committee have examined a number of government programmes which have needed a “reset” for various reasons.

The Committee will question two panels of witnesses on programmes that have required resets for any reason such as a reset to what the programme is delivering, how or when it will deliver, or all of these elements.

For the first panel, the Committee will question the Senior Responsible Officers of a series of major projects and programmes that have required such resets:

The Department of Transport’s Crossrail project, the Department of Work and Pensions’ Universal Credit rollout, the MoD’s Ajax tank programme and the MoJ’s electronic monitoring (or “tagging”) programme.

The second panel of witnesses will include questioning on the governance of major projects by HM Treasury and the Infrastructure Projects Authority.

This inquiry, based on an NAO investigation, will aim to set out a common framework for thinking about programme resets and support decision makers in building a realistic understanding of the challenges. The inquiry will not be looking in detail at any individual projects subject to a reset.

If you have evidence relevant to these issues please submit it here by 23:59 on Tuesday 23 May 2023.

Please have a look at the requirements for written evidence submissions and note the Committee cannot accept as evidence material that has been published elsewhere.

This inquiry is no longer accepting evidence

The deadline for submissions was Tuesday 23 May 2023.

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