Work news

Pwyllgor yr Adran dros Dechnoleg Ddigidol, Diwylliant, y Cyfryngau a Chwaraeon i archwilio iechyd a dyfodol ieithoedd lleiafrifol
19 January 2023

DCMS Committee tae speir intae healtht an’ future o’ minority leids
19 January 2023

DCMS Committee tae luik at health an future o minority leids
19 January 2023

An Coiste um chúrsaí Digiteacha, Cultúir, Meán agus Spóirt (DCMS) chun scrúdú a dhéanamh ar an riocht ina bhfuil mionteangacha agus ar a bhfuil i ndán dóibh
19 January 2023

Comataidh DCMS gus sgrùdadh slàinte is teachd-àm mhion-chànain
19 January 2023

An kessedhek BGMS a wra hwithra yeghes ha devedhek yethow le-usys
19 January 2023

DCMS Committee to examine health and future of minority languages
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee launches inquiry into the future of minority languages in the British Isles
19 January 2023
Total results 7 (page 1 of 1)
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