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Northern Ireland (Executive Formation etc) Bill

Legislative scrutiny

Reports, special reports and government responses

No reports or special reports published.

Letter from Lord Caine, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State and Lord in Waiting at the Northern Ireland Office, to Baroness Drake, Chair of the Constitution Committee, on the Northern Ireland (Executive Formation etc) Bill (5 December 2022)
Work Northern Ireland (Executive Formation etc) Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
Letter from Baroness Drake, Chair of the Constitution Committee, to Lord Caine, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State and Lord in Waiting at the Northern Ireland Office, on the Northern Ireland (Executive Formation etc) Bill (2 December 2022)
Work Northern Ireland (Executive Formation etc) Bill (Legislative scrutiny)

Oral evidence transcripts

No oral evidence transcripts published.

Written evidence

No written evidence published.

Other publications

No other publications published.

Contact us

  • Email:
  • Phone: 020 7219 5960 (committee staff) | 020 7219 8286 (Press Officer)
  • Address: Constitution Committee, House of Lords, London SW1A 0PW