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Update to the Integrated Review evidence session and call for evidence

11 November 2022

On Tuesday 15 November, at 2.15pm, the Foreign Affairs Committee will hold an evidence session on the updates to the Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy.

The Committee will hear from two panels of witnesses, including Rt Hon Sir Malcolm Rifkind KC and experts from the Royal United Services Institute, the China-Britain Business Council and Policy Exchange.

The session will explore changes to the UK’s strategic environment and what this might mean for the planned update to the Integrated Review. The Committee will also explore how the refreshed document should address the future of UK-China relations.

The Foreign Affairs Committee is also issuing a call for evidence.

The Committee is interested in submissions answering:

  • In light of changes to the UK’s strategic environment since the publication of the Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy in March 2021, what updates should the Government make to the Integrated Review?

The deadline for submitting written evidence is Friday 28 November 2022


Tuesday 15 November in Committee Room 5, Palace of Westminster

At 2.15pm

  • Air Marshal Edward Stringer (Ret'd) CB, CBE – Senior Fellow at Policy Exchange
  • Ed Arnold – Research Fellow at Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)

At 3.15pm

  • Andrew Seaton – Chief Executive Officer at China-Britain Business Council
  • Veerle Nouwens – Senior Research Fellow at Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)
  • Rt Hon Sir Malcolm Rifkind KC – Former Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs at Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Form of written evidence

Submissions should be no longer than 3,000 words. The main body of any submission should use numbered paragraphs. Each submission should contain: 

  • a short summary, perhaps in bullet point form;
  • a brief introduction about the person or organisation submitting evidence, for example explaining their area of expertise or experience;
  • any factual information from which the Committee might be able to draw conclusions, or which could be put to other witnesses;
  • any recommendations for action by the Government or others which the submitter would like the Committee to consider for inclusion in its report to the House.

Submissions should be in malleable format such as MS Word (not PDFs) with no use of colour or logos. Submissions should be arranged in numbered paragraphs.

Guidance on submitting written evidence and data protection information is available here: Guidance on submitting written evidence

Deadline for submissions 

The Committee is asking for initial written evidence to be submitted through the Committee’s web portal by 28 November 2022.


We encourage members of underrepresented groups to submit written evidence. We aim to have diverse panels of Select Committee witnesses and ask organisations to bear this in mind when we ask them to choose a representative. We are currently monitoring the diversity of our witnesses.

Further information

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