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Supporting vulnerable adolescents


Adolescents exposed to dangers such as substance abuse, criminality, and exploitation, both inside and outside the family, are at greater risk of adverse outcomes including severe mental health difficulties, homelessness, physical or mental harm, periods of not being in education, employment or training, and contact with the criminal justice system.

Addressing these outcomes later is costly. Early support or help can reduce risks and help avoid these adverse outcomes.

The Committee will question senior officials at the Department for Education on whether government understands what is needed to effectively identify and support vulnerable adolescents who are at risk of avoidable adverse outcomes, and who may need costly government interventions if their needs are not addressed.

If you have evidence on government’s understanding of which adolescents are vulnerable and the support that they need;​ whether there is a coherent approach to supporting vulnerable adolescents, with clear accountability and governance arrangements; or if national and local bodies are working effectively together to identify vulnerable adolescents and meet their needs, please submit it here by November 7 at 18:00.

This inquiry is no longer accepting evidence

The deadline for submissions was Monday 7 November 2022.

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