The Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Committee is launching an inquiry into the UK Labour Market. This next strand of the Committee’s overarching Post-Pandemic Economic Growth inquiry, launched in June 2020, will also build on the work of the Committee’s major inquiry into the impact of coronavirus on businesses and workers.
The Committee wishes to understand whether the UK has enough workers with the right skills in the right places to do the jobs required in our economy, including issues related to our ageing population, migration changes and the impact of technology. The Committee also seeks to understand whether current employment law is fit for purpose or requires reform.
The Committee would welcome submissions which (i) address the challenges currently facing both UK employers and workers and (ii) identify potential solutions and actions required by both the Government, businesses and employers to effectively support the UK labour market, while boosting productivity, equipping a skilled labour force and protecting workers’ rights. The Committee won’t be able to consider every aspect of the economy in depth and so particularly welcomes data rich case studies which might exemplify national trends.