How well does the UK represent the Crown Dependencies and British Overseas Territories in Brussels after Brexit?
14 October 2022
The UK represented the Crown Dependencies and British Overseas Territories in relations with the EU while a member of the block. But since Brexit, how is it performing at engaging the EU to represent their individual interests? MPs on the European Scrutiny Committee will find out when they hear evidence from Isle of Man Chief Minister Alfred Cannon, and representatives of Jersey, Anguilla and the Falkland Islands.
- Watch Parlaiment TV: The UK's EU representation: what has changed and how is it working?
- Inquiry: The UK's EU representation: what has changed and how is it working?
- European Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday 19 October 2022
At 2.30pm
- Deputy Philip Ozouf, Minister for External Relations, States of Jersey
- Deputy Jonathan Le Tocq, Minister of External Affairs, Bailiwick of Guernsey
- Hon Alfred Cannon MHK, Chief Minister, Isle of Man Government
At 3.30pm
- Dorothea Hodge, Representative, Anguilla Government
- Hon Teslyn Barkman, MLA, Falkland Islands
The Overseas Territories were carved out of the trade agreement between the UK and the EU that has allowed the UK and the Crown Dependencies to continue tariff-free trade on the majority of goods with the block. In written evidence given to the Committee the UK Overseas Territories Association raised concerns that its interests are not being heard. It said there had been a lack of engagement with the UK Government on what their future relationship with the EU will look like. It added that inclusion in future trade agreements, while welcome, did not make up for the loss of EU trade and called for tariffs to be lifted.
This will be the second session of the Committee’s inquiry into the UK's representation in Brussels examines the work of the UK Mission to the European Union, its performance in representing the interests of the UK and the territories it has responsibilities and the value it provides to taxpayers.
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Image credit:CCO