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Short-term lettings


This short inquiry considers the impact of short-term lettings on housing markets, in particular their impact on efforts to meet housing demand.

The inquiry will result in a letter to the Government which will make recommendations on steps that should be taken to address these issues, including the Government’s proposals for a register.

The committee published its letter on 16 December. The Government's response was received on 27 January 2023.

Reports, special reports and government responses

No reports or special reports published.

Letter from Rt Hon. Stuart Andrew MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Sport, Tourism and Civil Society, Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, to Lord Moylan, 27 January 2023
Inquiry Short-term lettings
Letter from Lord Moylan to Rt Hon. Michael Gove MP, Secretary of State, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, 16 December 2022
Inquiry Short-term lettings

Oral evidence transcripts

No oral evidence transcripts published.

Written evidence

No written evidence published.

Contact us

  • Email:
  • Phone: 020 7219 3616 (committee staff) | 020 7219 6640 (Press Officer)
  • Address: Built Environment Committee, House of Lords, London SW1A 0PW