Lords Committee emphasises importance of cooperation on North Sea energy development
16 November 2020
The EU Environment Sub-Committee writes to the Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng MP, Minister for Business, Energy and Clean Growth, about North Sea energy cooperation and net zero.
- Letter from the chair of the European Union Environment Sub-Committee to the Minister for Business, Energy and Clean Growth Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, 11 November 2020
- North Sea energy cooperation and Net Zero
- EU Environment Sub-Committee
In October the Committee heard evidence on North Sea energy cooperation and net zero from witnesses with expertise in the development of offshore wind, electricity interconnection, hydrogen, and carbon capture and storage (CCS).
The Committee’s letter presents its findings, including that intergovernmental cooperation will be essential to ensure low-carbon energy development in the North Sea is cost-effective and efficient.
In the letter, the Committee asks the Minister how the Government’s offshore transmission network review, energy White Paper, and hydrogen strategy will encourage cooperation with other North Sea countries and support the realisation of benefits that can be achieved.
The Committee also say that they hope that other North Sea countries and the European Commission will be open to resuming structured cooperation after the current UK-EU negotiations have concluded.
The Committee intends to pursue further work on the ecological consequences of energy development in the North Sea.