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Business Committee questions Government Minister

10 May 2019

On Wednesday morning, the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee will question Andrew Stephenson MP, Parliamentary Under- Secretary of State, Minister for Business and Industry, for the final session of its Automation and the future of work inquiry.

Purpose of the session

The session will examine questions around the likely impact on workers, how to help businesses automate, the opportunities for automation research and associated commercial opportunities.

The Office for National Statistics have said automation may replace 1.5 million jobs. The TUC have suggested automation could lead to people only having to work four days a week. The hearing on Wednesday morning will examine the Government's approach to the future of work and what action it is taking to help manage the impact on workers, assist businesses in moving to automation, and the policies in place to capitalise on the research and commercial opportunities offered by automation.


Wednesday 15 May, Grimond Room, Portcullis House


  • Andrew Stephenson MP, Parliamentary Under- Secretary of State, Minister for Business and Industry, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

The meeting will be broadcast live on Parliament TV .

Further information

Image: PC