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Senior legal experts consider civil justice cooperation post Brexit

13 December 2016

The EU Justice Sub-Committee takes evidence from Professor Jonathan Harris QC, Mr Richard Lord QC and Mr Oliver Jones


Tuesday 13 December in Committee Room 2A, Palace of Westminster

At 11.00am

  • Professor Jonathan Harris QC, Serle Court
  • Mr Richard Lord QC, Brick Court
  • Mr Oliver Jones, Brick Court

Topics for discussion

The EU Justice Sub-Committee continues taking evidence in its Brexit related inquiry into civil justice cooperation and the loss of the Court of Justice's jurisdiction.

Areas likely to be covered are:

  • the significance and importance of the Brussels I Regulation (recast) to the current EU/UK legal system;
  • the implications for the UK's post-Brexit participation in the Brussels I Regulation (recast) of the Government's apparent rejection of the CJEU's jurisdiction;
  • within the context of the Brussels I (recast) regime, whether Brexit represents an opportunity or a setback for the UK's legal system;
  • the detail and utility of the laws that will replace the Brussels I (recast) regime when we leave the EU; and,
  • what approach you should the Government take to this legislation in its negotiation of the UK's departure from the EU.

Further information

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