Minister for Justice responds to questions on civil justice cooperation
25 January 2017
The EU Justice Sub-Committee takes evidence from the Rt Hon Sir Oliver Heald QC MP, Minister of State for Justice.
- Parliament TV: Brexit: civil justice cooperation and the CJEU
- Inquiry: Brexit: civil justice cooperation and the CJEU
- EU Justice Sub-Committee
Tuesday 31 January in Committee Room 3, Palace of Westminster
At 10.45am
- The Rt Hon Sir Oliver Heald QC MP, Minister of State for Justice
Topics for discussion
- How will the UK maintain civil justice cooperation post Brexit without the oversight of the Court of Justice of the EU
- How important are the Brussels I Regulation (recast); the Brussels IIa Regulation; and the Maintenance Regulation?
- Which aspects of the three Regulations will the Government be keen to maintain post-Brexit?
- Will the common law rules be an adequate replacement?
- Does the Government wish to see the rules contained in the three Regulations incorporated via the promised Great Repeal Bill?
Further information
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