Foreign Office discusses the future of Operation Sophia
16 March 2016
The EU External Affairs Sub-Committee is taking evidence from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office as part of its inquiry on the effectiveness of Operation Sophia in disrupting the business model of smugglers in the Southern Central Mediterranean.
- Parliament TV: EU Naval Force – Mediterranean (Operation Sophia)
- Inquiry: EU Naval Force – Mediterranean (Operation Sophia)
- EU External Affairs Sub-Committee
Thursday 17 March in Committee Room 1, Palace of Westminster
At 10.45am
- Mr Richard Lindsay, Head of Security Policy Department, Defence and International Security Directorate, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Possible questions
Questions the Committee is likely to put to the witness include:
- Are you confident that Operation Sophia is having a deterrent effect on smugglers and migrants?
- The refugee and migration crisis is likely to be a long-term phenomenon. Is a crisis management operation with a (renewable) one year mandate an appropriate response? How long can you foresee Operation Sophia being in place?
- Member States have scarce military resources, in particular Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) and airborne capabilities. Therefore, is there an argument for the EU and NATO mission (in the Aegean) to share resources? How can more intensive and flexible cooperation be built between the two operations?
- How would you assess the possible consequences of the EU-Turkey deal on the flows of refugees and migrants in the Aegean? Do you think there is likely to be a diversion to the central Mediterranean route? What steps are being taken to prepare for that scenario?
Further information
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