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Academics and industry discuss impact of Brexit on energy security

6 September 2017

The EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee questions leading academics and industry experts on what Brexit will mean for  energy security


Wednesday 6 September in Committee Room 2, Palace of Westminster

At 10.30am

  • Joseph Dutton, Policy Adviser, E3G
  • Georgina Wright, Research Assistant and Europe Programme Coordinator, Chatham House
  • Malcolm Keay, Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Institute of Energy Studies

At 11.45am

  • Lawrence Slade, Chief Executive, Energy UK 
  • Phil Sheppard, Director of UK System Operator, National Grid
  • Ian Graves, Director of European Business Development, National Grid

Possible questions

  • To what extent is the UK reliant on interconnectors with the EU for secure gas and electricity supplies? Are these at risk post-Brexit?
  • Can the UK leave the EU and remain a member of, or retain access to, the Internal Energy Market?
  • How much influence will the UK have over EU energy policy once outside the EU?
  • Can UK energy industry companies retain a role in EU co-ordinating bodies after Brexit?  Would there be value in doing so?

Further information

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