Outstanding concerns about nuclear regulator's Brexit preparations raised by committee
19 July 2018
- Letter to Richard Harrington - 18 July 2018 (pdf 143KB) (pdf, 143KB)
- Inquiry: Office for Nuclear Regulation's Brexit preparedness
- EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee
Euratom (the European Atomic Energy Community) implements a system of safeguards to control the use of nuclear materials. The Government has made arrangements for the UK to leave Euratom at the same time as leaving the EU, and the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) will be taking on new duties as a result.
The Committee has written to BEIS' Minister for Business and Industry to ask for further clarity on the ONR's future funding arrangements, and to request regular updates between now and the point of withdrawal to ensure the ONR's preparation remains on track. The Committee also asks for an update on negotiations regarding the intended Nuclear Cooperation Agreements with the USA, Canada, Japan and Australia.
Further information
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