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How effective is the Civil Service?

19 December 2017

The Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee examines the effectiveness of the Civil Service with their special advisor Professor Kakabadse.


Tuesday 19 December 2017, the Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House

At 10.00am

At 11.00am

The work of the Civil Service

As special advisor to the predecessor Committee's inquiry into The work of the Civil Service, Professor Kakabadse has been conducting an extensive series of interviews with current and former Ministers, senior Officials, Special Advisors and non-executive members of departmental boards. Initial conclusions have related to the relationship between Ministers and their senior Officials, on the interaction between cross-departmental functions and departmental autonomy and on the role of boards.

Julian McCrae is a longstanding expert on Whitehall and can offer an alternative perspective on Professor Kakabadse's conclusions.

In the second panel, the Committee can cross-examine the Government's lead Non-Executive and a fellow Cabinet Office Non-Executive about the role of departmental boards and Professor Kakabadse's recommendations relating to them.

Further information

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