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Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman annual scrutiny for 2017/18

21 November 2018

The Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee launches its annual scrutiny into the work of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) in the financial year 2017/18.

The Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee is launching its annual scrutiny into the work of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) in the financial year 2017/18.

The Committee will hear from Ombudsman Rob Beherns and the PHSO's Chief Executive Amanda Campbell in January 2019.

Call for written submissions

We invite written submissions from the public and interested organisations on:

  • The conclusions and recommendations of the independent peer review panel whose report was published on 12 November 2018. Their report is available to download from the PHSO's website
  • The performance and value for money of the PHSO in 2017/18, including the service provided to complainants.
  • The views of public sector bodies and professionals within the jurisdiction of the PHSO on the PHSO's dealings with them; and the impact that the PHSO's findings and other work has on improving the services that bodies in jurisdiction provide to the public.

The deadline for submissions is Thursday 20 December.

The Committee cannot consider individual cases, including the decisions the Ombudsman has made in relation to them. This includes decisions on whether to investigate a complaint in whole or in part. Written evidence should focus on the quality of the service provided by the PHSO and its overall impact and value for money. 

This inquiry is focussed on the performance of the PHSO in the financial year 2017/18 and the conclusions of the independent peer review. The Committee may choose not to accept and publish evidence that repeats evidence it has accepted in whole or part in previous inquiries, and/or that does not relate to points set out above.

Further information

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