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Can the Life Sciences strategy become a reality?

6 October 2017

The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee holds the first evidence sessions on its new inquiry into Life Sciences and the Industrial Strategy, and hears evidence from across the scientific community.

Purpose of session

The evidence session is an opportunity for the Committee to hear the witness's reactions to Sir John Bell's Life Sciences Industrial Strategy, identify areas which they feel could be improved and discuss how it can be implemented.


Tuesday 10 October in Committee Room 4A, Palace of Westminster

At 10.10am

  • Dr Annette Bramley, Head of Healthcare Technologies, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
  • Sir John Savill, Chief Executive, Medical Research Council (MRC)
  • Louise Wren, Policy Adviser, Wellcome Trust
  • Sir Harpal Kumar, Chief Executive Officer, Cancer Research UK

At 11.10am

  • Professor James Stirling CBE FRS, Provost, Imperial College London
  • Professor David Price FGS, Vice-Provost, University College London
  • Professor John Atherton, Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean of the School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Nottingham
  • Professor Chris Lowe OBE, University of Cambridge

At 12.10pm

  • Professor Philip Nelson, Chair, Research Councils UK (RCUK)

Possible questions

Questions likely to be covered in the sessions include:

  • Who should be responsible for delivering the Life Sciences Strategy and to whom should they be accountable?
  • Should the Government appoint a Life Sciences Minister? 
  • Are there any features in the strategy – or any gaps?
  • How can collaboration between researchers and the NHS be improved, particularly in light of increased fiscal pressures in the NHS?

Further information

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