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Decarbonisation: Has the Government got it right?

11 October 2016

The Economic Affairs Committee takes its third evidence session for its inquiry into 'The Economics of UK Energy Policy'. The Committee is exploring the present mix of policy interventions and subsidies in the energy market. The core question which it is seeking to answer is: "What are the failures, if any, in the energy market and what measures are needed to correct them?"


Tuesday 11 October in Committee Room 1, Palace of Westminster

At 3.35pm

  • Professor Richard Green, Professor of Sustainable Energy Business, Imperial College London
  • Mr Tony Lodge, Political and Energy Analyst, Centre for Policy Studies
  • Mr Jimmy Aldridge, Acting Associate Director for Energy, Transport & Climate, Institute for Public Policy Research

Topics of discussion

The Committee asks for their views on the current Government's energy policy and in particular decarbonisation.

Questions the Committee is likely to ask include:

  • Does current Government energy policy strike the right balance?
  • Why have heating and transportation made less progress than electricity generation in decarbonising?
  • To what extent has the lack of a full global agreement on decarbonisation measures left the UK in an uncompetitive position in terms of industrial energy costs?
  • With the costs of alternative forms of power supply falling, is the UK's commitment to nuclear power viable?
  • How will leaving the EU affect the UK's policy on decarbonisation?
  • To what extent have contracts for difference encouraged innovation and cost reduction in electricity generation? 

Further information

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