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Committee considers social care workforce

8 January 2019

The Economic Affairs Committee takes evidence on social care workforce challenges from Skills for Care, the Social Care Workforce Research Unit and UNISON.


Tuesday 8 January in Committee Room 1, Palace of Westminster
At 3.35pm.

  • Sharon Allen OBE, CEO, Skills for Care
  • Guy Collis, Policy Officer, UNISON
  • Professor Jill Manthorpe, Director, NIHR Social Care Workforce Research Unit

Likely Questions

  • Despite warnings about social care approaching a 'tipping point', the system appears to have been resilient to date. Why is this?
  • Are there regional differences in the quality and availability of social care? Can these be overcome?
  • The Migration Advisory Committee recently reported that providing an easier route for migrants into social care would not help with recruitment problems in the sector. Do you agree?
  • Why are there high vacancy and turnover rates in social care and how can they be reduced?
  • Does social care need to become more of a profession and how can the career path for social carers be improved?
  • Do the public understand how to navigate the social care system? What makes the system complex to navigate for those who require care and their families?

Further Information

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