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Shadow leaders questioned on English Votes for English Laws inquiry

14 June 2016

The Constitution Committee hears evidence from MPs and experts on the English Votes for English Laws inquiry.


Wednesday 15 June in Committee Room 1, Palace of Westminster

First panel

At 10.20am

  • Peter Wishart MP, Shadow leader of the House of Commons, Scottish National Party
  • Rt Hon. Tom Brake MP, Shadow leader of the House of Commons, Liberal Democrats

Second panel

At 11.00am

  • Professor Michael Kenny, The Mile End Institute, Queen Mary University of London
  • Daniel Gover, The Mile End Institute, Queen Mary University of London

Possible questions

In the first session, possible questions the Committee may put to the witnesses include:

  • Do you consider the West Lothian Question to be a constitutional issue that needs to be addressed?
  • Is there a better answer to the West Lothian Question than this form of EVEL with a ‘veto' for English (or English and Welsh) MPs?
  • How does EVEL affect the role of the House of Commons in representing all parts of the UK?

In the second session, possible questions the Committee may put to the witnesses include:

  • To what extent has the introduction of English votes for English laws (EVEL) helped or harmed the Government's aim of securing the Union and making it fair for all four nations?
  • What impact has EVEL had, or could it have, on relationships between the UK Parliament and Government and the devolved institutions?
  • How does EVEL affect the role of the House of Commons in representing all parts of the UK?

Further information

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