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Shadow Leader questioned on English Votes for English Laws

6 July 2016

The Constitution Committee hears evidence from the Leader of the Labour Party and the Leader of the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords, on the English Votes for English Laws (EVEL) inquiry.


Wednesday 6 July in Committee Room 1, Palace of Westminster

At 10.30am

  • Rt Hon. the Baroness Smith of Basildon, Shadow Leader of the House of Lords, Labour Party
  • Rt Hon. the Lord Wallace of Tankerness QC, Leader of the Liberal Democrats, House of Lords

Possible questions

Possible questions the Committee may put to the witnesses include:

  • We have been told that EVEL has not affected procedure in the House of Lords, but that there might be a political impact on the relationship between the two Houses. Do you agree with this assessment?
  • Could and should a form of EVEL be introduced into the procedures of the House of Lords? If not, should the House approach legislation certified as English (or English and Welsh) differently?
  • What impact could EVEL have on the relationships between the UK Parliament and Government and the devolved institutions?

Further information

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