Work news

Government responds to Committee's Parliamentary Scrutiny of Treaties report
Government respond to Committee's Parliamentary Scrutiny of Treaties report
9 July 2019

Parliament's treaty scrutiny system out of date, Committee calls for reform
Constitution Committee publishes report on Parliamentary Scrutiny of Treaties
30 April 2019

David Lidington and Alan Duncan give evidence on treaty scrutiny after Brexit
The Constitution Committee hears evidence on Wednesday 30 January at 10.15am
30 January 2019

Former Foreign Secretaries give evidence to Committee
The Constitution Committee hears evidence on Wednesday 9 January at 10.45am
9 January 2019

Has the ‘meaningful vote' set a precedent for how Parliament approves treaties?
The Constitution Committee hears evidence on Wednesday 12 December at 10.30am
12 December 2018

Former Australian Minister and former FCO adviser give evidence to Committee
The Constitution Committee hears evidence on Wednesday 5 December at 9.30am
5 December 2018

Experts discuss Parliament's role in treaty scrutiny
The Constitution Committee hears evidence on Wednesday 21 November at 11.30am
21 November 2018

Parliamentary scrutiny of treaties - Constitution Committee launches call for evidence
The Constitution Committee launches a call for evidence for new inquiry into the parliamentary scrutiny of treaties
25 October 2018
Total results 8 (page 1 of 1)
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- Phone: 020 7219 5960 (committee staff) | 020 7219 8286 (Press Officer)
- Address: Constitution Committee, House of Lords, London SW1A 0PW