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UK parliamentary scrutiny of the Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee and application of the Northern Ireland Protocol


The European Scrutiny Committee is considering how effective scrutiny of the EU/UK Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee (the ‘Joint Committee’) can be carried out by Parliament, in particular during the transition period and in relation to the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland (the ‘Protocol’).  It will also consider the related matters of interpretation, application and enforcement of the Protocol – including potential areas of dispute between the UK and EU - in light of further information from the Government as to how it intends to implement the Protocol (see, for example, the Command Paper “The UK’s approach to the Northern Ireland Protocol”).

Reports, special reports and government responses

View all reports and responses
Northern Ireland Protocol: Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee Decisions and declarations of 17 December 2020: Government’s response to the Committee’s Forty-first report of Session 2019–21
Inquiry UK parliamentary scrutiny of the Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee and application of the Northern Ireland Protocol
HC 533
Special Report

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