DFID's partnerships with civil society organisations examined
6 June 2019
The Sub-Committee on ICAI takes evidence from the Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) and the Department for International Development (DFID) on ICAI's review of DFID's partnerships with civil society organisations.
- Watch Parliament TV: ICAI's review on DFID's partnerships with civil society organisations
- Sub-Committee on ICAI
Wednesday 12 June 2019, Committee Room 20, Palace of Westminster
At 9.50am
Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI)
- Tina Fahm, Lead Commissioner
- Willem Van Eekelen, Team Leader
Department for International Development (DFID)
- Darren Welch, Director of Policy
- Gerard Howe, Head of the Inclusive Societies Department
Purpose of the Session
Following the publication of ICAI's performance review looking at the Department for International Development's (DFID's) partnerships with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), this session provides an opportunity for Members to examine how well DFID partners with and funds CSOs. Members will question DFID on the review's findings, whilst also questioning ICAI on their methodology and the Government's response.
Further information
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