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Post-pandemic economic growth: Industrial Strategy


In our inquiry into Post-pandemic economic growth: Industrial strategy we will look at the options available to Government to secure our economic recovery from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

We will want to examine whether the Government’s current industrial strategy is fit for purpose, whether it is genuinely strategic, and whether it is focused on the right sectors, issues and policy areas. We want to look at whether the Government’s Industrial Strategy is properly designed and implemented to encourage the growth of a more productive, inclusive and sustainable economy which generates wealth, innovation and high-quality jobs.

We want to hear your views on these issues. Read the call for evidence and submit.

Sign up to our Post-Pandemic Economic Growth mailing list to receive updates about this inquiry as it progresses.

Work news

Government response to Business Committee Industrial Policy report published
Government response to Business Committee Industrial Policy report published
24 September 2021
Government’s Industrial Policy lacks clear direction, say MPs
Committee publishes report on Post-pandemic economic growth: Industrial policy in the UK
28 June 2021
Committee questions Andy Haldane
The Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee examines post-pandemic economic growth: Industrial Strategy
26 February 2021
Committee examines research and innovation investment
Committee to hold evidence hearing focusing on research and innovation spending and mission-oriented policy
22 January 2021
Committee examines scaling-up & opportunities for growth
Committee to hold an evidence hearing looking at the challenges rapidly growing businesses face and the relationship between the Industrial Strategy and scaleups in the UK
11 December 2020
Committee announce upcoming sessions and business roundtable events
Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee announce Brexit preparedness & impact of Covid-19 evidence hearings and business roundtable events
6 November 2020
Register interest in Industrial Strategy roundtables
Register your interest for an online roundtable with the MPs on the Business Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee.
3 November 2020
Business Committee publishes Industrial Strategy written evidence
Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee publishes the written evidence submissions for its Industrial Strategy inquiry
6 October 2020
Business Committee continues Industrial Strategy inquiry
Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee hears from a range of industries, including aerospace, automotive, steel, technology, energy, and business & professional services
5 October 2020
Total results 9 (page 1 of 1)

Contact us

  • Email:
  • Phone: 020 7219 8586 (General enquiries) | 020 7219 6970 (media enquiries)
  • Address: Business and Trade Committee, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA