School oversight and intervention evidence session
17 November 2014
The Public Accounts Committee will be holding an evidence session for the Committee’s inquiry. The session will explore the issues raised in the National Audit Office report into Academies and maintained schools: oversight and intervention.
- Parliament TV: Watch the session
- National Audit Office report: Academies and maintained schools: oversight and intervention
- Inquiry: School oversight and intervention
- Public Accounts Committee
Monday 17 November 2014, Committee Room 15, Palace of Westminster
At 3.15pm
- Russell Hobby, General Secretary, National Association of Head Teachers
- Emma Knights, Chief Executive, National Governors' Association
At 4.00pm
- Chris Wormald, Permanent Secretary, Department for Education
- Sir Michael Wilshaw, Chief Inspector, OFSTED
- Peter Lauener, Chief Executive, Education Funding Agency