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Tax avoidance: the role of large accountancy firms: follow-up


The Committee first took evidence on tax avoidance from PricewaterhouseCoopers in January 2013 alongside Deloitte, Ernst and Young and KPMG. The Committee’s report on the role of large accountancy firms noted that the four firms "insisted that they no longer sell the type of very aggressive avoidance schemes that they sold ten years ago. While this may be the case, we believe they have simply moved to advising on other forms of tax avoidance which are profitable for their clients; such as the complex operating models they offer to major corporate clients to minimise tax by exploiting the lowest international tax rates." In light of recent information on tax agreements brokered by PwC between multinational corporations and the Luxembourg tax authorities, the Committee have recalled PwC to review that firm’s role in tax avoidance schemes.

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