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Follow-up on the Charity Commission


The Charity Commission regulates charities in England and Wales. The Committee reported on the Charity Commission as a regulator in February 2014, concluding that the Commission was failing to regulate charities effectively and expressed concern about whether the Commission was capable of transforming itself to address its significant failings. Since the Committee’s inquiry, the Commission has developed a new business model which focuses more of its resources on high-risk cases and aims to automate low-risk transactions. Under its new Chief Executive, the Commission has also begun a three-year ‘change programme’ which aims to transform it into a rigorous and proactive regulator, underpinned by £8 million of additional one-off funding from the Treasury. This progress update will probe the strength of the Commission’s plans to transform itself into a more effective regulator; examine the Commission’s understanding of the cost of regulating charities effectively; and explore the actions it is taking to become a more proactive regulator.

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