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Wrap-up on tax: stocktake of progress since 2010


During this Parliament, the Public Accounts Committee has made taxation a key area of focus. It has scrutinised whether HMRC has collected taxes fairly and efficiently and pushed for better governance and transparency of the tax system. The Committee has also expressed serious concerns about the tax planning industry and made an important contribution to the debate on how multinational organisations arrange their tax affairs.

Government, particularly HMRC, has responded positively in most of the areas of greatest focus from the Committee, including: revisions to its governance of large tax disputes; seeking and obtaining new powers to tackle marketed tax avoidance; addressing the problems that occurred when it introduced the National Insurance and PAYE Service; and its role in supporting the OECD Action Plan on base erosion and profit shifting. This inquiry will allow the Committee to identify the impact of its recommendations made to HMRC and the progress it made in implementing them, and identify issues where HMRC has more work to do and which the Committee might wish to examine further in the next Parliament.

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