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Permanent Secretary questioned on support for tourism industry in Northern Ireland

2 July 2019

In the final session of its inquiry into tourism, the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee hears from the Permanent Secretary of the Department for the Economy on NI's tourism strategy, support for the industry and contribution to the economy of Northern Ireland.


Wednesday 3 July in Committee Room 15, Palace of Westminster

At 9.30am

  • Noel Lavery, Permanent Secretary, Department for the Economy
  • Eugene Rooney, Deputy Secretary, Department for the Economy
  • Geraldine Fee, Assistant Secretary, Department for the Economy

Purpose of the session

The Committee is considering the importance of tourism to the economy and society of Northern Ireland and investigating ways in which the industry could be improved or further supported.

The Committee questions the Permanent Secretary on barriers to realising the full potential of tourism in Northern Ireland, such as Air Passenger Duty, skills gaps in the tourism and hospitality sectors and cooperation with the Republic of Ireland. The Committee will also consider new opportunities for tourism in Northern Ireland such as the World Rally.

Further information

Image: Pixabay