Democratic Republic of Congo political and humanitarian situation examined
24 October 2016
International Development Committee hears from development experts on fragility and development in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
- Read the transcript on fragility and development in the DRC
- Inquiry: Fragility and development in the DRC
- International Development Committee
Tuesday 25 October 2016, Thatcher Room, Portcullis House
At 10.15am
- Councillor Jean-Roger Kaseki, Associate of the Human Rights & Social Justice Research Institute, London Metropolitan University
- Tom O'Bryan, Congo Democracy Project, Harvard University
- Dr Suda Perera, Research Fellow, Developmental Leadership Program, University of Birmingham
At 11.00am
- Shuna Keen, Regional Programme Manager for DRC and the Great Lakes, International Rescue Committee
- Dr Zoe Marriage, Reader in Development Studies, SOAS
Purpose of the Session
With the political crisis in DRC worsening, the Committee will question a group of experts on what more the international community can be doing, and how further violence and conflict could affect development gains made in the last 20 years.
The Committee will then go on to look at the humanitarian crisis in DRC, one of the world's most complex and longest-running, and how the needs of the most vulnerable can be met despite decades of conflict.
Further information
Image: iStockphoto