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Working Effectively in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States: DRC, Rwanda and Burundi


The Committee invites written evidence on the following points:

  • The key development priorities DFID and other Government Departments should be addressing in fragile and conflict-affected states;
  • The most effective mechanisms for delivering aid, and the role of DFID’s focus on results in fragile and conflict affected states;
  • Whether DFID works effectively in fragile and conflict-affected states including:

o Its efforts to strengthen governance and national institutions (including parliaments) to deliver services, security and justice

o How well it supports civil society organisations and communities directly

o How effectively it involves women in state-building processes including security, justice and economic empowerment programmes

o Whether DFID is organised to work effectively in difficult environments including staffing, skills, evaluation tools and incentives;

  • How well DFID works with multilateral organisations, including the World Bank, the EU and the UN, including its peacekeeping forces, and non-traditional donors in fragile and conflict-affected states;
  • Cross-Government working in fragile and conflict-affected states and regions including support for policing and security sector reform, the role of DFID in the Building Stability Overseas Strategy and the contribution of the Conflict Pool.
  • The Committee invites short written submissions from interested organisations and individuals, especially those from developing countries.

The deadline for submitting written evidence is Monday 9 May 2011.

A guide for written submissions to Select Committees may be found on the parliamentary website at:

Reports, special reports and government responses

View all reports and responses
12th Report - Working Effectively in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States: DRC and Rwanda (Additional (Unprinted) written Evidence.)
Inquiry Working Effectively in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States: DRC, Rwanda and Burundi
HC 1133
12th Report - Working Effectively in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States: DRC and Rwanda
Inquiry Working Effectively in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States: DRC, Rwanda and Burundi
HC 1133

Oral evidence transcripts

No oral evidence transcripts published.

Written evidence

No written evidence published.

Other publications

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  • Email:
  • Phone: 020 7219 1223/3285 (general enquiries) | 020 7219 4984 (media enquiries)
  • Address: International Development Committee, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA