The International Development Committee announced an inquiry into DFID's Programme in Nepal on 10 July 2009.
The Committee published its final Report on 28 March 2010. See Chairman's Comments for further detail.
Government Response
The Government's Response was published on 6 July 2010.
Terms of reference
Nepal is the poorest country in south Asia with one third of the population living below the poverty line. The Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in 2006 between the Seven Party Alliance and the Maoists ended a 10-year civil war which had badly affected Nepal’s socio-economic progress. Nearly 400,000 rural families were displaced, infrastructure was destroyed and 13,000 lives were lost.
The difficult post-conflict situation complicates the delivery of basic services and development planning. Nepal’s topography also makes access to health and education difficult - 36% of the population have to walk between 2 and 4 hours to reach a road.
Nepal has nevertheless made progress towards the Millennium Development Goals in a number of areas. It has reduced maternal mortality by 20-30%, cut under-five mortality by 40% and primary school enrolment has increased to 89%. However access to basic services remains very unequal.
DFID is the largest bilateral donor in Nepal and will provide £172 million in assistance over the three years to 2012. DFID’s support to Nepal is focused on improving governance, economic growth, health and education. Along with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Ministry of Defence, DFID also provides assistance to Nepal’s peace process through the UK’s Conflict Prevention Pool and to a number of multilateral peace support programmes.
The Committee intends to begin an inquiry into DFID’s programme in Nepal. The issues which the inquiry will address include:
- DFID’s support for governance and state-building;
- How DFID works with the Foreign Office and the Ministry of Defence to support the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and security sector reform;
- DFID’s approach to achieving poverty reduction and improving access to basic services;
- DFID’s efforts to reduce social exclusion and inequality including its work with women;
- Donor coordination in support of greater aid-effectiveness and peace-building.
Written evidence
The written evidence submitted to the inquiry can be accessed via the TSO Parliamentary Publications page.
Oral Evidence
The transcripts of oral evidence for this inquiry can be accessed via the TSO Parliamentary Publications page.
15 December 2009
- Ms Liz Philipson, Director, Conciliation Resources, Professor Surya Subedi, Professor of International Law, University of Leeds and Ms Rosy Cave, Head of Asia Programme, Saferworld
12 January 2010
- Professor Anthony Costello, Director of University College London Centre for International Health and Development, Ms Linda Doull, Director of Health and Policy, Merlin, and Mr Simon Brown, VSO
- Dr Mary Hobley and Professor Mick Moore, Research Fellow, Governance Team, Institute of Development Studies
28 January 2010
- Mr Michael Foster MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, and Ms Sarah Sanyahumbi, Head, DFID Nepal, Department for International Development