Sub-Committee examines The UK's International Climate Fund
8 January 2015
An evidence session to discuss ICAI’s report on the UK’s International Climate Fund. The first panel will be an opportunity first to discuss the report with ICAI Commissioners and staff, and then with DFID and DECC officials.
- Parliament TV: ICAI's Report on The UK's International Climate Fund
- Sub-Committee on the work of ICAI
- UK's International Climate Fund (PDF 2.20 KB)
- ICAI's Report on the UK International Climate Fund
Wednesday 14 January, Grimond Room, Portcullis House
At 10.00am:
Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI)
- Graham Ward, Chief Commissioner
- Catherine Cameron, Team Leader
At 10.30am:
Department for International Development (DFID) and Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC)
- Nick Dyer, Director General Policy and Global Programmes (DFID)
- Andrea Ledward, Head of Climate and Environment Department (DFID)
- Katrina Williams, Director General, International Science and Resilience (DECC)
Further information