Regional powers role in fight against ISIL explored
26 January 2016
The Foreign Affairs Committee continues taking evidence on the fight against ISIL: the UK's role. The first panel focuses on the prospects for peace talks between the Syrian Government and opposition. The second panel focuses on the role of regional powers, with a particular focus on Turkey.
- Watch Parliament TV: The fight against ISIL: the UK's role
- Inquiry: The fight against ISIL: the UK's role
- Foreign Affairs Committee
Tuesday 26 January 2016, Committee Room 15, Palace of Westminster
At 3pm
- Daniel Levy, Head of Middle East and North Africa Programme, European Council on Foreign Relations
- Lord Michael Williams of Baglan, Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Chatham House
At 3.45pm
- Gareth Stansfield, Senior Associate Fellow, Royal United Services Institute
- Zeynep Kaya, Fellow, London School of Economics
- Guney Yildiz, Turkish and Kurdish Affairs Analyst
Further information
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