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Committee writes to Dominic Raab MP regarding EU Withdrawal Process

12 September 2018

The Committee is following up on the 5 September evidence session with Dominic Raab MP and Oliver Robbins on the EU Withdrawal process.

A letter has been sent to the Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union asking for further information on a number of issues, including the Chequers deal, the Facilitated Customs Arrangement and the Northern Ireland ‘backstop', the common rulebook and parliamentary scrutiny of EU legislation which will form part of the common rulebook.

The Committee asks the Government to respond by 3 October.

Chair's comments

Chair of the Committee, Sir William Cash MP says:

"The evidence session last week uncovered worrying inconsistencies between the Government's Chequers proposal and the EU's negotiating position on the future EU/UK economic and trade relationship which may be impossible to bridge.

Among many uncertainties our Committee identified is the scope of the common rulebook—an EU rulebook in all but name—and Parliament's ability to ensure effective oversight when the UK leaves the EU and loses its voice in the EU's labyrinthine decision making structures. How can the Government be expected to deliver to businesses the certainty they need if it is not allowed in the room where decisions about the common rulebook are made without transcripts of the proceedings?

The Government's proposal for a parliamentary lock on bringing EU legislation into UK law may prove to be more illusory than real given the potential implications for market access, frictionless borders and  security cooperation. There is a real risk that the UK will be little more than a rule taker, implementing laws which may significantly constrain the UK in negotiating ambitious new trade deals with countries outside the EU."

Further information

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